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Campus club takes pride in starting drama

theatre club
The Hudsonian Student Newspaper | The Hudsonian
Samantha Longton

Staff Writer

With two advisors, Theatre Club has put on countless one acts, full plays, and student directed performances since becoming active. Students are given the opportunity to express their creativity by not only performing on the stage but also possibly directing a show for the club.

“I met someone my first day at Hudson Valley and they were talking about the theatre, and it just sounded interesting,” said Sophomore Robyn Grendon, who participates in the Theatre Clubs stage crew.

“Theatre Club’s mission is to create a forum that is open to everyone who has any interest or curiosity about theatre art or theatre making,” said Theatre Club Advisor Rosanne Raneri.

Some students that are in the club believe that one of the best aspects of the club is being able to become a different person while on stage.

“I met Roseanne out in the lobby and she was such a sweet person, then when we started production of The Vagina Monologues I met everyone in the back of the theatre and they were all so nice. We’re all just a big family,” said Secretary of Theatre Club Raven Larvour.

While putting on performances, the cast and crew develop strong connections beyond the stage. “We take what we’ve all learned and put it all together and it’s just so unique,” said Theatre Club President Karis Dudek.

Al Shehadeh, theatre arts, was also a part of the football team his first year. “I always wanted to do theatre but I didn’t have the courage to do it,” said Shehadeh. “I decided to try it and then I just fell in love with it.”

Some of the students in the club also believe that another great aspect of theatre is being able to become a character on the stage. They like that they can be whoever they want to be and explore different characters and emotions while on stage.

Auditions were held last week for the clubs first show of the season, Passion Play. This play, written by Sarah Ruhl, is a trilogy of one-acts. Each act is about the staging of the play in different historical time periods.

The play starts in 1575 in Northern England, moves to a setting in Oberammergua, Baveria during the rising power of Nazi Germany, and ends with a time sequence from the Vietnam war to Reagan’s presidency. The actors will be putting on the show while the political and faith filled influences of each time period surround them.

The upcoming show, the Passion Play, will be performed on November 19th, 20th, and 21st with a 7:30 showtime. Admission is free for Hudson Valley Students.

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