
Commentary: Working Cited and Thinking on your Feetnotes

Tyler McNeil

Creative Editor

There’s a point at the end of the semester where students begin to speak and process thoughts in MLA format (McNeil). When you fall asleep at noon, a window pops up in your dreams providing you with the option to report your circadian rhythms to Microsoft.

Pressing questions comprise the end of your bibliography. When will you use Turabian at Hudson Valley?

Yesterday, I almost couldn’t order a foot long sub at Subway because I forgot my notecards. I had to order favorable vegetables from the top of my head.

When presenting a 20-minute PowerPoint presentation on the Cold War, it becomes important above all else to make sure that a 15-minute YouTube video on the making of Rocky IV works. The most pornographic or offensive desktop backgrounds are displayed when groups log on to find their PowerPoint files in front of the classroom.

“Studying” becomes a euphemism for cramming. Knowledge is crammed harder than frozen yogurt at TCBY. The hardest part of a take-home test becomes finding your take home test under your other take home tests.

Walking into the library, there’s a melee of clicking. Browsers are filled with critical research papers on the Kaluza–Klein theory and of gravitation and electromagnetism along with Cyber Monday Amazon wish lists.

As the semester reaches its closing credits, it’s important to travel beyond the mania of finals and assess what you’ve learned during 16 weeks. Overall, education is a matter exploring, observing, networking and remember that your flashdrive was in your pocket the entire time.


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