
DC Trip Cancelled

In a unanimous vote, the Student Senate canceled the Washington D.C. spring break trip on Jan. 26, citing a lack of student interest and high prices. Student Senator Christina Fotlia said, “Basically, [the Senate] felt that there wasn’t enough interest and the prices were too high and that it would be more effective for the student body if we spent our time and money working on events that affect the student body.”

According to Student Senator Winston Trotman, there were only six students who had signed up for trip out of an interest list of approximately 30 students. “The Washington D.C. trip was targeted towards students for giving them experience in going to Washington D.C.,” said Trotman. “We know the city itself is a national monument and we wanted to expose students to [the city].” The trip would have included round-trip transportation via Amtrak and a five-night stay in the city. Students would have also received passes for unlimited travel on the Washington Metro.

Trotman said that the money would be better suited for other student events, such as the college’s annual Spring Fest, scheduled to take place on April 26. However, the Senate has not decided what to do with the funds that were previously allocated for the trip. Students who had signed up for the trip will be refunded the money they had deposited for it. The money will either be mailed to them or they will be notified via phone whenever the money is available to be picked up. “It would have been a fun trip to experience, but due to the lack of people that were interested in going, that’s no longer available,” said Trotman.

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