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Employers hunt for students in Campus Center

Chris Payne
Staff Writer

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Marison Topinio | The Hudsonian

Students were able to find a variety of jobs from employers of all disciplines at the college’s spring job fair last week.

Erica Shudt is a psychology major who was hired by the Unity House at the job fair. “The job fair is very helpful, and you get to meet new people,” she said. “This is a great networking tool, and they have a lot of potential things you can do. There is stuff for everybody.”

“Our purpose in hosting the part-time job fair is to help students who need to have part-time employment to support themselves while they are here in college,” said Gayle Healy, director of the Center for Careers and Transfer. “There are a lot of employers in the area who are looking to hire college students, so it’s to make that connection and support our students.”

Employers flooded the Campus Center this past Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. There were over 65 employers represented, including companies such as iSmile Studios, Rock Krawler Suspension, and Valet Park of America.

Stephanie Calantone, who graduated from Hudson Valley with an associate’s degree in liberal arts, was at the job fair recruiting for Pioneer Bank. “We are looking for local students and offer positions that provide a good place for students to start out,” she said.

The Palace Theatre was also hiring. Danny Thomas and Anthony Johnson, who work at the Palace, talked to many students at the job fair. “The pros of working at Palace Theatre are that you deal with the entertainment business, you sell out tons of shows, and everyone screams of joy at the end of the show,” said Johnson.

Ron Zinoman, a human resources and clinical recruitment specialist at the Center for Disabilities Services, was at the fair recruiting for his employers. “My favorite part of the job is meeting people and getting to know people, find nice people, give them an enjoyable job and money, and it is a win-win situation,” he said.

While there were many recruiters attending the college fair, many students joined in the fun, too. “I did not know you could get jobs at Camp Chingachgook,” said Vanessa Roberts, individual studies major. “This is a good idea for students who are interested in getting jobs.”

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