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Express bus service to expand across Capital Region

By Tyler A McNeil, Staff Writer

Senator Charles Schumer recently proposed two CDTA BusPlus networks that offer bus services with a limited amount of stops through new routes.

The proposal was announced Oct. 20, alongside CDTA CEO, Carm Basile at the College of Saint Rose.

“Skipping stops obviously gets you [to Hudson Valley] faster. It’s focusing on points where people mainly get off all at once anyway,” said Lexington Fields, first year broadcast communications major.

The first proposal, spanning 25 miles, will connect UAlbany, the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, downtown Albany and Crossgates Mall.

The second proposal, spanning 15 miles, will connect Albany, Menands, Watervliet, Troy, Cohoes and Waterford.

Both proposals aim to limit traffic congestion along heavy traffic routes, reduce parking and stimulate the local economy.

According to CDTA, BusPlus has bolted Route 5 ridership to nearly 4 million boardings since it was established, increasing ridership by nearly 20 percent.

“When I started here, the bus was packed every day and it’s only increased,” said Denzel Nanton, first year criminal justice major.

“The regular buses now have so many stops [that] I can’t rely on getting to class on time. I’m often late because it’s so unreliable,” said Nanton.

At the start of the fall semester, CDTA and the campus administration started a free unlimited ridership program, making it possible for students to ride the CDTA bus line free of charge with the swipe of a Hudson Valley identification card.

Hudson Valley is the most recent amongst local colleges such as Siena, Sage, UAlbany, Saint Rose, Skidmore, RPI and SCCC to be granted free universal access to public transportation provided by CDTA.

There are students who are still not informed on the advantages that come with the free unlimited ridership program. Students may use their cards to ride any route that CDTA offers.

“It took about three weeks to find out I can use the identification card on more than just the 85 and 224 routes, but I saw others doing it and I started to wonder why I was never told,” said Holloway. “It saves me some pocket change, which I need [for bills and books], and it’s the eco-friendly way to go.”

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