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First bachelor degree programs launched

Evette Linendoll
Staff Writer

Two new degree programs will be available for students in the upcoming fall semester.

The Early Childhood degree was designed for individuals desiring to become a child care director or to open their own family child care home. Graduates of the program are also trained as administrators in any agency that serves children and families.

“I think it’s just a great opportunity for our students in the cost savings alone; they are going to save a lot compared to the private colleges. They’re going to get a great degree and be able to go on and teach,” said Dawn Kolakoski, chair of the teacher preparation department.

Classes are transferred completely from Hudson Valley to SUNY Cobleskill, the college’s partner in this program. When students complete the four-year program, they will receive diplomas from Cobleskill.

Kolakoski believes the new childhood degree is going to be popular, as there are already almost 20 students signed up for the program. “It’s an advantage for our students to be able to stay right here and pay SUNY prices,” Kolakoski said.

The second new degree being offered come the fall semester is an associates in Clean Energy Management. Classes for this degree are being held both on campus and at Hudson Valley’s TEC-SMART facility in Malta.

The degree is the only associates degree program of its kind in this area and will provide students with a mixture of renewable energy and business classes. The degree touches topics on wind and fuel cell energies, training in solar panel installation, and the program also focuses on business development. It is designed to give students the schooling they need to secure immediate employment after graduation.

In developing the program, more than 20 renewable energy technology companies and associations were surveyed to make it as applicable to real-world jobs as possible. Each of these companies provided input about the coursework from their individual perspectives and experience.

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