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Freshmen Class President wins election with 100 percent of the votes

Asan Anarkulov | The Hudsonian Student Newspaper













By: Zoe Deno


Zion Sherin was unanimously elected Freshmen Class President when 21 students voted.

“Right now what I hope to accomplish is primarily support,” Sherin said. “As a freshman, I don’t think that I am going to be leading the charge for any new initiatives.”

“As problems arise I will approach them one at a time,” he said. “Right now I am there to learn and help out when I am asked.”

In order to be able to run for Freshman Class President, people who are interested in campaigning must get 150 students to sign a petition to be eligible. Sherin said that he had close to 200 signatures.

Sherin thinks the low amount of voters was because students didn’t think they needed to vote.

“[Students] asked me if I was running against anyone but I wasn’t,” Sherin said, “I think that voting for me just went to the back of their minds.”

Sherin was the first student to run for freshmen class president unopposed in the last two years. In 2017 Alyssa Decker was elected freshman class president with 66 votes. Her opponent,  Nia Giwa had convinced 25 students to turn out to the poles.

[Getting Data on the Nevins/Savasta campaign on monday]

Sherin wished that he had an opponent to run against. “It would have made campaigning fun,” he said. “I really would have enjoyed the process.”

He did not end up doing a lot for his campaign because he did not feel like he needed to since there was no one running against him.

[Current senate data- how many people, how many freshmen]

Sherin believed there aren’t more freshmen students on the senate due to time. “I know a lot of [freshmen] who want to become senators, however I think that it is still very early in their academic careers and they aren’t sure how much time the can allot to joining,” he said.

Sherin’s professor had been the one to suggest that Sherin should run for a position on the senate.

He said that I seemed like the type of person who would want to take on the position because I am so engaged in class and I am very involved in the Investment Club,” Sherin said.

Sherin had spoken with Student-Body President Jamison Jarosz after he had attended a Student Senate meeting about what the open positions entailed. Sherin said that Freshman Class President had seemed like it would be a good position for him.

“I just really like doing stuff, especially when it helps other students,” he said.  

According to Sherin, the senior senators have a lot to offer him in experience. He wants to learn from them and possibly seek an e-board position next spring.

Despite the low turnout of voters, Sherin is excited to take his place as Freshmen Class President and to help work toward the betterment of the college.

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