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International journalists hit the Hudson Valley campus

Matt Whalen


The Hudsonian Student Newspaper | The Hudsonian
This past Wednesday, The Hudsonian hosted a special event for 20 international journalists as part of their trip around the Capital Region.

The journalists came as part of a national tour organized by the United States Department of State, and the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs Office of International Visitors.  

“Having a school paper host an event like this is a great opportunity not only for the students, but for the school as well to get their name out there even more,” said Maaz Alnugomi, freelance reporter and film maker from Sudan.

In their last day in New York, the group made a visit to Hudson Valley to get insight on the school and their newspaper.

During their time in the Capital Region, the journalists visited various media outlets, including the Times Union and WAMC Public Radio.

During the event, The Hudsonian presented the group with their paper and held a discussion about different topics relating to the school paper and outside the paper.

The event was set up in coordination with the school paper and the president’s office.  Dr. Jay Deitchman, International Student Advisor helped set up the event as well and gave a presentation about the school.

“This school is a bit different than Slovenia because it’s bigger, and the buildings are much newer and you can tell there was a lot of time put into them,” said Gregor Trebusak, Chief Editor of News Program and Anchorman in Slovenia.

The Hudsonian staff took this opportunity as a chance to meet professional journalists and get a sense of how real world media works. The journalists gave much insight to all Hudsonian members and enjoyed the paper.

“I like the newspaper because it is a good chance to lead to a job in that field,” said Trebusak.

The Hudsonian student newspaper will look to host more events on campus as we hope to expand what we already have.

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