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Leadership workshop series engages students

Students Kara VanGuilder, Erika Pellitier and Hannah Infantado, out of ten students in attendence.
The Hudsonian Student Newspaper | The Hudsonian
Tyler McNeil, Staff Writer

Hudson Valley hosted its second leadership workshop for students on Monday, Feb. 24.

“[The workshop is] a semester long effort to ensure that all students are able to learn, develop and enhance the abilities of communication, communication styles, putting different perspectives on certain issues and topics,” said Louis Coplin, director of Student Life.

At the end of the semester, if a student attends the majority of the workshops hosted, they will receive a certificate and be invited to a “thank you” luncheon.

The second workshop was hosted by Assistant Director of Student Life, Alfredo Balarin, focusing on the theme of “creating a vision for success.”

“We’re hoping to make this a new part of what we do on campus so all students will have an opportunity to develop their [leadership] skills and better themselves,” said Balarin.

The presentation was divided into six sections: Death, Vision, Plan, Sacrifice, People and Fear.

Students were asked to write their “visions” on a piece of paper.

Students shared what they plan to accomplish, to have and to be a part of in their lifetime.

“I just want to ride on the subway in New York City all day and just go nowhere [and] bserve people, ”said Kara VanGuilder, individual studies major.

“I hope to do more mission trips in the future. I feel as though I owe it,” said Hannah Infantado, fine arts major.

Students were then asked to share what they planned to do in the next year to work towards their vision.

“I plan to do more skydiving jumps. This will be my second skydiving jump so far coming up this month,” said Erika Pellitier, early childhood education major.

VanGuilder said, “I should hang out with my mother more. She’s a good role model.”

“People know their vision. They know what to do. It’s through a period of pain that they can lose their path,”said Balarin during Sacrifice, the third section.

In the third section, students shared what they would have to sacrifice to make their vision a reality.

“[I would sacrifice] friends that hinder progress,” said Wahidol Islam, biological sciences major.

“[I would sacrifice] anything. Anything to get to Wall Street,” said business administration major and Student Senate Treasurer, Derek Torissi.

Students were told to write, but not share, a list of people who understand their visions and those who hinder their growth.

Students listed and shared their fears that they believe hold them back from reaching their objectives.

“[I fear when] I want to do something but society isn’t shaped that way,” said Islam.

“I fear blending in with the crowd,” said Torrisi.

“[Fear and rejection] are very common. The only way we can overcome them is by acknowledging that those are our fears,” said Balarin.

Balarin related back to death at the conclusion of the workshop.

“When you know your time is up, what do you want to think about? Do you want your last thoughts to be regrets or satisfaction?” said Balarin.

Professor John Ostwald will be hosting the next leadership workshop on stress management on Monday, Mar. 10.


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