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Odors to doors: a look at the ‘dirtiest’ parts of campus

Stephen Pelletier
Staff Writer

Whether it’s odors, germs, or student-populated areas, Hudson Valley students agree that not all parts of campus are “pristine”.

The Campus Center has been voted as one of the more dirty places on campus. With the Campus Center being where a majority of students spend their down time, students feel that the many occupants make it displeasing, and more disgusting.

“[The campus center] is pretty dirty because everyone goes there,” said mortuary science major Haley Styer. Styer believes that the Campus Center is by far the most disgusting part of campus, feels that the dirtiest part of the Campus Center are the sets of tables upstairs by the cafe.

Another spot in the Campus Center students find displeasing is the ping-pong area downstairs. Although some students think it doesn’t seem physically dirty, they find that it has a particular odor in the area. Individual studies major Danielle Jones specifies it as smelling highly of body odor. “It’s just like a wave of gross, sweaty people in my face,” said Jones.

The men’s locker room at the sports complex has also fallen victim to being a dirtier part of Hudson Valley. “The floors are gross and grimy,” said theatre major Garrett Cardinal.

Cardinal struggles day-to-day to pass through the men’s locker room because he must go there for one of his classes.“There’s no real way for me to avoid it,” said Cardinal.

There are some students like psychology major Kara Bryant don’t feel that a particular place is the dirtiest, but a location where majority of germs are shared is the dirtiest. “Doorknobs are what people touch the most,” said Bryant. Bryant feels that the many hundreds of doorknobs students touch per day are the dirtiest parts of campus, and are something to keep in mind.

Although most students don’t have a hard time picking out the dirtier parts of campus, some students believe that Hudson Valley isn’t actually that dirty. “I don’t think anything is really that dirty,” said business administration major Mike Sanacord.

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