Arts and EntertainmentCreativePoetry

One of Three Arts

By: Carlsy Ybanez

Business Manager

In reply to: One Art, by Elizabeth Bishop

The art of losing isn’t hard to master,

But paper with one color is just empty,

So there are three colors to plaster.

The art of losing, did you know it’s green?

As stems and leaves and leaves on trees,

Are lost and leave before Halloween.

It symbolizes loss, but growth too,

And as spring approaches for warmth,

We may lose the cold but gain the flu.

Ah! You lost your mother’s watch!

But what did you gain in return?

You ingrained the pain inside your brain

Like a scar, scab or a burn.

The art of keeping something is color blue, 

Because blue is like the color of the sky and

The ocean, which we wish to remain consistent and true.

But when it fails to be consistent,

And we have lost something yet again, 

The art of losing, and art of keeping are rarely hand in hand.

But what did I say? There are three colors to plaster

There is the art of losing, art of keeping, and a last art to explore.

The art is to balance green and blue which is hard to master.

Because it’s better to lose someone you love,

Than to keep someone who doesn’t love you back,

Master the art of letting go, before holding on holds you back.

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