
Presidential candidate: Emma Dillon

emma headshot
Matt Whalen, Editor-in-Chief | The Hudsonian

Name: Emma Dillon
Party: Surprise Party
Hometown: Ballston spa
High School: Ballston Spa High School
Major: Individual studies
Age: 16
Clubs/Organizations: Entrepreneurs Club, Investment Club, the Sock Drawer committee and Student Senate.

What made you want to run for this position?

It’s been my goal since the first semester I started classes here. I really do want to help continue the school on the path to greatness, but I also know that this position will help me as well. It will strengthen my leadership skills which I think is a necessary skill to be a beneficial part of society. In addition to that, I think it’s a great way to be heard and to be able to advocate for something you feel strongly about.

What are your qualifications to run?

In high school I ran many conferences as a student leader in NCBI (National Coalition Building Institute), which is an advocacy organization for basically anyone that is discriminated against, whether it be the LGBTQ community or minorities and many more.

Overall, what is your greatest asset?

I have been outgoing since I was five years old just meeting people and telling them “yeah we’re going to be friends and have a sleepover at your house tonight.” I love talking to people and hearing from people and I think that’s why this job is such an amazing fit for me.

Name five initiatives you’d like to focus on with your position?

This question is a very common one that we are asked as candidates. I will tell you that I don’t have an answer for you. The reasoning behind that is because those initiatives should be what the students want. I want what the body wants. As President it will be my job to cause change and to better the campus but the only way I see that plausible is by discussing with the student body and asking them what they want me to do. Anyone, no matter how involved or not involved, on campus should have a say in the direction our college turns. Especially with a campus as diverse as ours, where the average student is not necessarily an 18-year-old straight out of high school. A 28-year-old single mother with two children will have different concerns than the traditional student. I am a traditional student. However, I want to make Hudson Valley better for students of all ages ranges and backgrounds. The only way to do that is by hearing from them and going from there. Their initiatives are my initiatives.

What has been some of your greatest experiences during the race so far?

Honestly, working with my political party has been so incredible. As a freshman class president candidate I ran alone and the difference between the experiences is huge. Running in a party allows you to delegate certain obligations to others and also, opens up the realm of creativity. Several of my party members have had amazing ideas that I could have never thought of alone, or even accomplished alone. Not to mention, my party in particular is very supportive and intelligent and I just hope I get to work with them in the future.

What is the biggest problem with student life at Hudson Valley?

There’s a gap between the Senate and the average student. Most of that stems from communication issues. I’ve talked to several people and their first reaction is “We have a Senate?”. Being a new student can be nerve racking, so they

should not have to look for us. We should approach them. Most people are looking to get involved or inflict change but just don’t know where to start. Once we can break down that communication barrier and spread the word about Student Senate and educate people about the opportunities that students have through us on campus, Hudson Valley can really thrive.

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