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Regional Foosball champion to take on student challengers

Rebecca Jordan

News Editor

Mikey Bryant
Mikey Bryant | The Hudsonian

Rhode Island Foosball Champion Kevin Skaltsis will make an appearance on campus to take on student challengers on Mar. 17.

“It would be cool to see a student beat him,” said Justin Hoyt, assistant director of athletics, said.

Skaltsis has not been beaten by a Hudson Valley student in the five years that he has been competing at the college.

In the past, the tournament with Skaltsis has attracted a larger crowd of students than most of the other weekly games available to students. The Rhode Island champ plays any students who think they are up for the challenge, sometimes even taking on two students at a time.

Student Activities hosts mini tournaments that are designed to allow students to practice their skills. These tournaments are held at the foosball tables located on the ground floor of the Campus Center.

A non-student member of the table tennis club who goes by the name of Alpha won every game in the tournament held last Thursday.

“I saw the flyer over there [for the tournament], asked the club manager [if I could play], and was told it was open to everyone, so I came and played,” he said.

Alpha took on the other two players at the tournament, doubling both of their scores every game.

When asked if he thought he could beat Skaltsis, Alpha said, “I haven’t seen him play yet, so I don’t know.”
The second foosball tournament will be on Mar. 10 at noon in the Campus Center.

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