
Student Senate Updates

By: Justin Hurley, News Editor

On February 27th, Student Senate President Robert Dungan announced the formation of the Student Senate Election Committee. When asked if any senators who do not plan on running for re-election next semester wish to volunteer for the committee, however, none volunteered. 

Dungan addressed the executive board about lowering the number of required signatures to run for a senate position by a special vote. This motion would affect candidates running for Student Senate Senior Class President, e-board positions (i.e., Vice president), and the Senior Faculty Student Administration (FSA) position. Student Senate Advisor and Director of the Educational Opportunities Program and Student Life Alfredo Balarin was the person to make the initial suggestion.

Dungun voiced his opposition to the proposed changes. “I am personally very against this. I think staying under the guise of operating under pandemic rules is just that, a guise. I personally feel, going through the election process myself, that petitioning is a very important part of the election process.” He went on to describe the important aspects of the petition process; face-to-face interaction, getting to know their constitutions, and explaining why they deserve to be elected.

Other senators voiced that the number is too high, arguing that the resurgence in students on campus and their interest in student government provides a larger number of potential candidates. Lowering the required number would make it easier for potential candidates to run.

When brought to vote, the motion passed with only President Dungan abstaining from the vote. The new number for the required signatures to run for President is now 75 signatures, E-board positions are 150, and 50 for FSA rep.

The senate moved to vote on the upcoming election schedule with a unanimous vote.

Petitions to run for Student Senate are currently available at the Student Activities office and are due April 4th. Campaigning begins on April 11th (this is the only time students are allowed to campaign before the election.) and ends with the election on April 26th to April 27th.

If you have any questions or are interested in running for a Senate position, please reach out to Student Activities at, studentactivities@hvcc.edu, or visit them in Siek Campus Center, Room 210.

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