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Student Services Discussed

Refugee College Day, an event at which the various services available to students were discussed, was held in the Campus Center on Mar 3.

Professor Noah Kucij gave a presentation about support services that HVCC offers, such as the Learning Assistance Center (LAC), the Writing Center, and the Computer Learning Center, which are all areas where a student can go to get help from tutors.

Students can also get help from librarians, professors, and students around the campus.

Maria Palmara, English Department Chairperson, explained the special services that HVCC offers for ESL students, such as ESL classes, ESL advisement, and ESL tutoring.

The college also offers free personal support services, such as the Health Services Office, where a student can receive medical care and advice, the Center for Counseling and Transfer, where a student can obtain personal and psychological counseling and help transferring to a different college, and the Child Care Center, where students with children can get child care while in classes.

It was announced that starting fall 2013, all registered HVCC students will be able to ride the CDTA busses for free. Information on clubs and organizations on campus was offered.

A representative from the Financial Aid office explained the financial help that HVCC offers, from grants to loans, to help students with tuition.

The different types of academic credentials offered here at HVCC were clarified, including the AA, AS, AAS, and AOS degrees, and the Certificate Programs.

Non-high school graduates can get into the 24 Credit Hour program, where individuals who cannot show high school completion documents can qualify for a New York State High School Equivalency Diploma, and credits earned can then be transferred into degree programs at the college.

Kacie Hull, a representative from the Capital District Educational Opportunity Center (EOC), introduced the many services that EOC provides such as academic enrichment, ESL, GED preparation, and vocational foundations.

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