
Students share their scariest Halloween stories


By: Yusuf Sarujamohaden


Omsaloma Ayoub

Staff Writers

Jordine Chung, Criminal Justice

“When I was a little girl, in Jamaica, my grandma’s house was a minute’s walk from a gravesite. So, one night I was sleeping in my aunt’s room and the other aunt just came back from work after a midnight shift. I heard her voice and I went into [the] other room and I talked to her. When I came back I saw a glimpse from my far left of somebody and my aunt is still on the bed sleeping. I look over to my left and there’s just this long-haired, pale-skinned lady just smiling at me. I screamed and ran out of the room. My grandma was like, ‘Yeah that’s not happening.’ So we go back and there’s a jacket hanging right there. A few days later the gates of the veranda where we lived were shaking. It sounded like someone was trying to break in. When I peeped out the window, there was nobody there. It was a heavy padlock [and] it was not windy.”

Ginger Denning, HVCC Alumina graduate, humanities major

“When I was in grade school the scary thing to do, I don’t know if the boys did it, but I knew the girls did it,” Ginger Denning said, “We used to go to the bathroom and turn off the lights and look into the mirror, and we would say this scary thing while looking into the mirror: ‘We hate you Bloody Marry, we hate you Bloody Marry, we hate you Bloody Marry’.”

Denning vividly remembers what happened in fourth grade. Her and a group of girls used to go into the crowded bathrooms. According to Denning, when they chanted in the mirror they all saw red eyes staring back at them in the mirror.

“THOSE RED EYES IN THE MIRROR,” she said, “That was the thing to do at recess. We always went in the bathroom and scared ourselves scary.”

When Denning mentally took away the red eyes, she said, “I think of the ‘Carrie’ movie when all the pig blood spills on her beautiful prom dress, and how she goes berserk on everyone!”

Denning explains how they used to swear, and they had probably convinced themselves they saw it, thought it was true.

Kolby Perak, Electrical construction(ECM)

Kolby Perak and his family all believed their house was haunted: without a doubt. At the time, Perak was around 7 or 8 years old. He said, “My hamster, I swear to god, he would get out [on his own] every day. There’s no way man!”

He said, “[My parents] always thought it was me, you know being a kid, being stupid and playing around.”

Perak’s parents decided to move the two brothers’ room upstairs. Perak knew that’s why his parents moved him upstairs with his brother to share a room. His parents never told him directly if this was the case, but he firmly stands with a stance.

Perak continued listing the paranormal happenings. He said, “We had these sliding doors. [The] door used to slide open and shut all the time, completely by themselves.”

The fact the doors moved on their own is scary alone. What scared Perak the most was his parents’ reaction. He said, “[It was] the one the thing they were always scared of.”

“Like how is that happening, like for real?” Perak asked. Since then, he has thought of multiple things it might’ve been, but as a kid it was scary.

Perak said, “Dad swears, to this day, he has no clue what actually entered through those stairs.” Both Perak and his father believe he had seen an aberration that night. And when his dad ran into the room he saw the aberration go in, poof! Everything was gone! Just like that, it was no more.

Robert W. Narcavage, Business Administration

Robert Narcavage remembers spending one Halloween going to the Saratoga County Homestead Sanitarium. Although he didn’t want to attend due to what he had heard about the sanitarium, he ended up joining his friends for the ride.

“I had heard stories about people going there and like, crashing their car on the way and all sorts of freaky stuff happening there,” he said.

Narcavage stayed outside of the sanitarium while his friends went in. He remembers watching his friends quickly run back from the sanitarium.

“They all came running out, and we all hopped back in the car and took off. On the way home, our [headlights] were flickering and cutting out,” said Narcavage. Their car ended up dying, so after pulling over to inspect the vehicle, the car ended up being fine. Although no harm was done, Narcavage still found the experience strange.

“It was definitely a freaky experience,” he said.

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