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Sustainability Events

An electronics recycling event was held on Apr. 12.

Earth Day is coming up on Apr. 22, so there will be events held all week by the Sustainability Committee.

“A mix of the local community, the students, the faculty, and the staff, [has] come with anything from one iPod to whole vehicles,” said Maxine Ortiz, events coordinator for the committee.

Ortiz said, “If the weather would have been great, it would have been better. We filled one 26 foot moving truck, which is a lot less than normal.”

She also talked about upcoming Earth Day events.

Ortiz said, “Environmental Clearing house will be bringing their critters again this year and there will be free plants and trees, as well as a seed swap program, and a recycling event for the kids for the faculty and staff’s bring your kids to work day.”

Scott Kellogg, owner of Radix, an ecological sustainability center based in Albany, will discuss urban sustainability projects such as hydroponics, urban gardens, rain water collection/purification and composting in the BTC on Apr. 23.

Bill Reinhardt, former senior project manager at NYSERDA, will give a presentation titled on the Apr. 25. The subject of the presentation will be how peak oil and climate change issues will change the potential career paths of students.

During the Earth Day event, old cell phones will be collected and sold to Verizon Wireless. Some will be reconditioned and donated to victims of domestic violence, some will be recycled.

All proceeds from this effort will be donated to the college’s food pantry. Contact Carlene Sheehan at (518) 629-7311 or for more information.

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