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Thor Ragnorak crushes the sequel blues

Jarrod Flaherty
Staff Writer

 Thor: Ragnarok’s opening weekend earned $121 million in the U.S. and Canada.
Thor: Ragnarok’s opening weekend earned $121 million in the U.S. and Canada. COURTESY OF FLICKERINGMYTH.COM

Thor: Ragnarok is everything a comic book film should be: fast-paced, action-packed and hilarious.
Directed by Taika Waititi, the newest installment includes stars like Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Tom Hiddleston and Cate Blanchett. It follows Hemsworth as Thor, the God of Thunder, once again tasked with saving the world–this time from Hela, a powerful opponent played by Blanchett.

On the surface, this may seem like your typical superhero film but it is so much more than that.
Ragnarok is arguably the best of the Thor movies. This is the film that Marvel needed to breathe life into the Thor series.

This movie feels successful because it sets itself apart. Some of the previous films have been more generic, “cookie-cutter” comic book movies. This installment, on the other hand, is very light-hearted and doesn’t take itself too seriously, which was the right approach for this movie.

Waititi has directed films like “What We Do in the Shadows” and “Hunt for the Wilder People,” which are both really funny and original. With Ragnarok, he incorporates very dry and effective humor that will leave you holding your gut because it hurts so badly.

The performances in Ragnarok are also impressive, but the standout in Ragnarok is Valkyrie, played by Tessa Thompson. She’s a strong, badass female hero that Thor fans will remember for a long time.
Hemsworth, once again, knocks it out of the park as the mighty god Thor. Ruffalo also nails his scenes as the fan-favorite Incredible Hulk and Tom Hiddleston gives another fantastic performance as Thor’s brother, Loki.

Ragnarok’s cinematography is also top-notch. The film is full of bright colors and detailed landscapes that all fans of comic books and sci-fi will appreciate. Additionally, the soundtrack is very fun, filled with rock classics that do not disappoint.

However, there are some things that don’t totally work. For instance, the constant humor sometimes works against the film’s favor. There are times when the scene should feel serious but the humor makes them less effective and doesn’t leave time to breathe. The first twenty minutes were concerning as the jokes fell flat like in the other Thor movie.

Minor complaints aside, Thor: Ragnarok is one of the funniest films you’ll see all year. Jam-packed with outstanding performances and an effective script, Ragnarok did exactly what it needed to do–set itself apart from all the other Thor movies. This film is a lesson on how superhero movies should be made.

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