
What did you hate about your first week?

The Hudsonian Student Newspaper | The Hudsonian COURTESY OF BSUHONORSPAW

By: Genevieve Coonradt 

Staff writer

When friends and family ask about the first week of college the most often asked question tends to be “what do you like about college so far?” What no one really asks about is what terrible things ruined your first week. Was it parking? Was it long lines in the book store? Was finding your classes comparable to going through a Greek labyrinth? Here’s what some students had to say about what they hated about their first week. 

Ashley Mone, a psychology student, said the worst part of her week was the traffic. “The first day it took me about an hour to get here.” Mone said. “And I had to park [in] the lot all the way in the back.” 

Some other students thought that the worst part of the first week of school was changing from a more lax summer schedule to the earlier and more rigorous schedule college brings. 

Kyle Mone, an independent studies student said that the hardest thing for him was “transitioning from partying every single day to actually getting used to my school schedule and going to bed on time and waking up early.”

Another issue some students faced was getting used to the technology that is used for Hudson Valley and the classes here. 

“I hated how my Wired account kept crashing.” said Shani Desnoyers, a forensic science student. The Wired crash even caused her to be late to her English class, something no one wants to have as their first impression. 

While technology was an issue for some and scheduling  for others, it seemed the most common thing people hated in week one of classes was finding them. “

For me it’s getting to and from the classes and understanding your schedule before you really know it.” said Stella Grande, an individual studies student. 

Sheikh Binnabi, a computer science student, agreed stating, “What I disliked, not really hated about my first week of school was, for me, getting around the campus.”

  “When I tried to go to the Amstuz Hall, I got lost in the Brahan Hall and I ended up in a nursing clinic [where] they were working on people,” Ainsley St.James, an engineering major, said. “It was really gross and there [were] skeletons,” she continued. “Hopefully in the next few weeks no one gets quite so lost.”

So be it unexpected nursing wing skeleton encounters, terrible parking or simply waking up, everyone has something they hated about the first week here at Hudson Valley Community College, the good news is that if things start out bad then the only way to go from there is up!

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