
“When They See Us” opens eyes of audience

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By: Jacob Freehart
Layout editor

Netflix has pumped out many great TV shows and movies, all with their own special qualities, but one of their newest pieces of content, “When They See Us,” stands out in a remarkable way.

Released on May 31 of this past year, Netflix’s “When They See Us” is a dramatized documentary following the events of the infamous case dubbed the “Central Park Five.” The show closely follows the truth through eyewitness reports of the many people involved, putting together a stunning and moving piece that touches the heart and acts against racial injustices in America. 

The story follows five unsuspecting teenagers who are accused of raping and brutally beating a female jogger in Central Park, New York on April 19, 1989. Kevin Richardson, Anton McCray, Yusef Salaam, Ray Santana Jr. and Korey Wise, the five main characters of the show, were in the park hanging out with a large crowd of kids and teenagers, simply trying to enjoy some late night fun. They were each there by themselves, having never met each other before in their lives. Little did they know, they would meet each other again real soon.

As the night continued, the group of kids they were with started harassing and yelling at random people in the park, causing some violence. They five tried to distance themselves and  escape before anything else happened, but they were too late as they crowd was chased and taken in by the cops. They were all released the next day, but soon a raped and nearly dead female jogger was found in the park and the cops immediately thought that it was the kids from the night before.

Out of the dozens of kids that were there that night, these five were chosen and brought in for interrogation, quickly becoming victims of racism and many injustices. Having not participated in any of the acts that they were accused of, the boys were thrust into a scandalous situation, being targeted because they were minorities. The detectives and head prosecutor Linda Farstein, were deliberately obstructing justice in many ways, only seeking to get what they wanted, which was a quick end to a case. 

Director Ava DuVernay adds an integral layer of humanity to the series, diving deep into the impact felt by the people affected by the case and how the actions of others can so very often change your own reality. The display of talent doesn’t end there though, as the actors deliver emotional and inspiring performances. 

Each character, both as an adult and kid, have a unique story to tell as they go through their respective trials and tribulations. The most interesting story of all though, was the one of Korey Wise. Being the age of 18 when convicted, Wise was thrown into prison, rather than juvenile detention like the rest of the group. His experiences are brutal to say the least, but they bring out the deepest emotions of sympathy and sorrow as he shows courage with everything he faces.

Overall, Netflix’s ‘When They See Us’ is a must watch due to all of the phenomenal performances, scenes and themes that it offers. The many interesting aspects of the story never ceases to captivate you and will always keep you wanting to know what’s going to happen next. 

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