
Investment club highlights the benefits of investing early

The Hudsonian Student Newspaper | The Hudsonian THE HUDSONIAN STUDENT NEWSPAPER

By: Maggie Helenek

Copy Editor

“Investment Club is really about [students] investing in each other and in themselves,” said Joseph Stenard, economics professor and adviser for the club, on its importance to individuals today. “That the amount of effort and time that they take in understanding some basics of finance and financial literacy will pay off for a lifetime.”

Zion Sherin, president of Investment Club and business administration student, said the club is about planning for the future.

  “We deal with anything that involves taking money now and aim for a net increase overall,” said Sherin. “A lot of people think that they’re too young to start saving but they don’t really understand the concept of compounding interest, so actually the younger you start the better you’ll be off later.”

Sean Moran, business administration major and vice president of Investment Club, said that starting to invest early was crucial. The club teaches this using the Millionaire Method, a tool that shows the amount of years, interest and money needed for a good investment plan.

During meetings, students can suggest their own investment ideas.

“It’s where [members] either suggest we sell a stock that’s already in our portfolio or we buy a new stock that they think will be increasing in value in the near future,” explained Sherin.

Stenard stated the importance of the Hudson Valley Foundation’s involvement in the club.

 “The Foundation has partnered with the Investment Club to provide the money [for the portfolio], the non-tax status and the support of Hugh Johnson Associates who is our stockbroker,” said Stenard. “[Hudson Valley Community College] became the first 2-year school in the history of the country to allow students to have investment discretion over a portion of endowment.” 

Investment Club is open to all Hudson Valley Community College students.

“Everybody, if they plan to retire at some point, should plan on investing,” said Sherin. “Every couple of meetings we plan to start stuff for an individual who has never walked into a meeting before.”

Guest speakers, such as business owners from Sonic and Death Wish Coffee, have also been at club meetings.

  “I’m very grateful to these speakers for showing an interest in my students and who were glad to share their wisdom and viewpoint,” Stenard said.

Stenard founded Investment Club in 2009 when he realized he couldn’t teach all the topics he wanted to in one semester

  “Some of the things that got cut were things that I really am very passionate about like financial literacy, individual ownership of corporations and long-term planning,” said Stenard.

Moran said there were other benefits to joining the club as well.

“It’s also social club so I’ve made a lot of friends,” he said.

“I hope [students] know that you invest so that you don’t have to worry about money so that you can think about the real important things in life because the really important things in life are not about money,” Stenard said. “It’s really [about] investing in relationships.”

Investment Club meets from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursdays in room 104 of Brahan Hall.

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