Letters from the Editor

Letter from the Editor

To the reader,

If you haven’t discovered so already, staying on top of schoolwork is important in college. But more than homework, students must concentrate on full knowledge of allotted material, such as key terms, as well as anything written in the text book.

So how can we learn this information in such a short time? How can we develop good study habits? Many students have different ideas on how this is done. Here are a few I recommend:

Flash cards: a great way to memorize information is to see it in short bursts. One to two sentences on an index card could be very effective.

Take your own notes: this year, I decided to take economics online. As some people would agree, economics concepts are not hard to understand per se, but the use of technical terms can turn into a sticky situation rather quickly. I have found that if I take my own notes from the book, I am forced to look every concept up so I understand it.

Presence in class: showing up is half of it, to quote a clich. Many professors use class time to clarify reading assignments. They also entertain most questions, so use that time to your advantage. Also, sit near the front.

Time after school: memorization of facts includes, for most people, extra time. Isolate yourself. Some people suggest silence. Personally, I use headphones and heavy metal to concentrate. It works for me. Find out what isolation measure works for you.

As always,

Go Vikings!

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