
Letter from the Editor-in-Chief

Finding time when you are a full time college student is hard. Once the semester picks up it can seem nearly impossible to find time for the things you want to do let alone the things that you feel like you should do; like keeping yourself informed.

The Hudsonian hopes to make that last one a little easier for you. We gather all of important information from around campus and we compile it into one paper that is readily available to students who may otherwise not have had the time to dig through Hudson Valley’s website to find the news. Understanding the world around you empowers you to make better choices, make the most of your time, and most importantly to object when you see something going on that you disagree with. Journalism is a way to better the community, not just by making the administration transparent, but because of the dialog that enlightening students can spark up.  

Which brings us to our arguably stronger purpose; to assure that the student body’s voice is heard. It is essential that to understand that your opinion matters. If you have something to say, and you can’t find the courage you need to say it you are enabling it to proceed. As your Editor-in-Chief for this coming year, I want to challenge you to be brave and to speak up. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from, if you feel strongly about something we want to make sure you have a safe platform to express your thoughts. My team and I promise to do everything in our power to assure that the The Hudsonian conveys the news accurately and effectively while reflecting the mood of the student body. Never be afraid to reach out to us because we want to hear from you.

Zoe Deno


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