
Vegan Tofu Scramble

By: Alexis McCrea

Staff Writer

Often when on a plant based diet, it can be hard to find a meal that is nutritionally balanced, filling and tastes good.

 It’s often assumed that plant-based diets are “healthier” by default. But, the truth is that any kind of restrictive diet can leave you at risk for not getting enough vitamins and minerals. On plant based diets especially, it can be easy to not get enough protein or iron. 

Tofu is a really good source of protein and is super filling. Additionally, spinach is rich in iron. This vegan tofu scramble is rich in both nutrients and flavor.


-extra-firm tofu

-fresh baby spinach

-cherry tomatoes


Now for the spices! 

Feel free to add your favorite spices, or remove ones you don’t like. Experiment, have fun! Also no need to measure them out, eyeball it all. I tend to use:


-garlic powder

-red pepper

-black pepper

Again, add/take away whatever you like.


If you’re not well acquainted with tofu, here’s your introduction. People often recommend pressing you’re tofu before cooking. This is to expel extra water. Pressing tofu is mainly a western thing though,and not something you have to do.Traditional Asian recipes often do not call for it. 

The difference between pressed and non pressed tofu is the texture. Tofu is something that’s very soft, and this texture can be off putting. With pressing you can achieve a crunchier texture. 

With this specific recipe, I’ve tried it both ways. I personally don’t think there is much of a difference. It’s all based on what you like. If you choose to press the tofu, wrap it in a few paper towels, place the tofu under a cooking sheet, then place soup cans on top of the sheet Let it sit for an hour.

After that, cut you’re tofu. You can cut it however you like, but for this recipe I prefer small squares. Next, wash and cut your mushrooms and cut the cherry tomatoes into halves. 

 Finally, prep your pan with your choice of non-stick ingredient. I use olive oil, and lots of it, because it makes the tofu crispier. 

Time to cook!

-Add you’re tofu first, as this takes the longest to cook

-Then start adding the spices. You can keep adding spices as you’re cooking whenever you see fit. 

-After a minute or two, add in the mushrooms.

-Once tofu is about medium brown, add the spinach and tomatoes

It is up to you to decide when the cooking is done. It’s all about preference! I wait until the tofu is brown, and kind of crunchy on the outside, but soft on the inside. Taste it while you’re cooking, and get a feel for what texture you like best.

And, would you look it that! You’re all done! Go ahead and enjoy your meal! 

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