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Zach Wood: Our new senior class president

Asan Anarkulov | The Hudsonian Student Newspaper













By: William Pattee

Staff Writer

Zach Wood became the senior class president Monday, Nov. 3, after not having one since last spring.

For a while, Hudson Valley’ Community College’s senior class had no president because nobody had stepped up to run for the position.

Student Senate Vice President and engineering science major, Ali Cheema, elaborated further.

“We had one candidate lined up for the position, but he did not have enough credits and didn’t qualify for the position and the other party didn’t have a candidate,” Cheema said.

Being senior class president has its perks, including a stipend and applicable job experience.

“The position will be focused a lot on engaging with the campus and clubs as well, so running a real-time social media for the Senate would be a perk [as well],”  Student Senate President Jamison Jarosz said.

Alongside those incentives, the senior class president’s relationship with Student Senate’s eBoard allows the elect to serve as a “backup eBoard member,” VP Cheema mentioned.

However, some students weren’t aware that there were elections at all.

For instance, second-year liberal arts major, Noah Rejack, only sees campus activities in limited places.

“Typically on the school’s social media pages, whether it be Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or something like that [is where he finds out about things happening at school],” Rejack said. “I’m not usually at the campus center and I don’t see many signs around campus.”

The opportunity for a turnaround is clear now after the Student Senate approved the appointment of the new senior class president on Monday.

The new president, Zach Wood, is set on connecting students to both the Senate and clubs and activities on campus.

Wood’s list of accomplishments contained potential behind them, but one of his most notable can be found right on campus. He started the Programming Club.

“When I went [to school] to join the Programming Club and found that there was none, I decided to take the necessary steps to start it,” he said. “Now we have almost 30 members.”

Class President Wood believes in advertising events, keeping students up to date and showing students the academic and social benefits of participating in clubs on campus.

Along with these goals, Wood also believes in making Student Senate more competitive.

“[Motivating] Student Senate with more of the benefits that come with being a part of clubs already will make Student Senate more competitive and in turn get more students involved,” he said.

Wood meets problems with solutions. And with his background in technology, creating approachable solutions to the problems he posed during his speech to the Senate comes easy.

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