April foolsHumorous

Green wonder boi sparks innovation across globe

Isabella Kokoszko
Layout Editor

Dat Boi delivering a Ted Talk on his own journey unicycling to his dreams. GRAPHIC BY ISABELLA KOKOSZKO

Revelation can strike at any time, and a popular internet meme hopes to inspire athletes and families all across the world.

Dat Boi, a dart frog riding a unicycle, has been cycling his way around the web and baffling internet users and athletes alike.

Dat Boi started out as a problem in an AP physics textbook, but students took it upon themselves to share his wonder with the world.

Troy McLovin, a local 15-year-old student at Never Ending High School first shared about the frog when his teacher assigned the homework problem. His first tweet about Dat Boi now has over 15,000,000 retweets.

“I always knew there was something special about him, but I just didn’t know if everyone else saw what I did,” McLovin said. “Now, everyone knows his name and I’m so proud I introduced that to the world.”

Dat Boi tries to keep himself humble and stay off the internet and away from all of his popularity.

“I don’t want to become something I’m not, some version of a frog I don’t recognize,” Dat Boi said. “I want to always remember the passion of my life: unicycling.”

Dat Boi goes around travelling to schools, universities and even offices to give speeches. He even gave a TED Talk about his life.

Audiences and crowds roar with anticipation, shouting, “Here comes Dat Boi” and blaring air horns when he rolls out onto the stage.

“I love what I do and wouldn’t give it up for the world,” Dat Boi said. “Being a major influence to kids and adults makes me so incredibly happy, and I am never going to stop unicycling. Someday, I hope to go beyond Earth and see what else there is to explore out in the universe.”

It didn’t take long for cyclists to notice the magic of Dat Boi before McLovin started to receive an enormous amount of questions from coaches and cyclists all around the world.

“I started getting messages from Lance Armstrong, Sean Kelley and even clowns who were learning how to ride a unicycle for their careers,” McLovin explained. “It was insane.”

Lance Armstrong offered some input on his opinion about Dat Boi and how his unicycling has affected his career.

“He baffles me to my core,” said Lance Armstrong, the world-famous cyclist who won the Tour de France seven consecutive times from 1998 to 2005. “Dat Boi is the heart and soul of cycling, and every good cycler inspires to be just like him.”

Armstrong hasn’t done any major races in the last few years, but he still looks to Dat Boi, even for day-to-day encouragement.

“Sometimes, I get depressed that I don’t cycle as often as I used to,” Armstrong said. “It was amazing earning world-renowned titles every year, but I look to Dat Boi and know he’s cycling for all of us, for all the fallen soldiers and driving everyone to hit new goals every day.”

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