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The 2020 Hudoscope

Stephen Brokalis | The Hudsonian Student Newspaper

By: Carlsy Ybanez

Business Manager


Selfishness. Yes, be selfish. Forget irrelevant people that contribute meekly to your life. Instead, this week should be self-preservation and self-repair. 

           Prioritize yourself so in turn, when you are needed by those important to you, you are in a position where you can prioritize them. This week accept people trying to re-enter your life, and let go of those on their way out. 

           Only those deserving should experience the benefits of being around a rejuvenated you.


Persevere. Suffering shouldn’t be pleasurable, but it will help you grow this week. Face the challenge with a higher threshold for emotional and physical pain. 

            Push your mind and your body, whatever you achieve through this will satisfy your spirit. This does not mean be victorious but do not leave the battlefield with regrets this week.


Forgive. Realize that carrying around anger is leaving less space for happiness. Yes, you may be happy if your ex were to experience misfortune…car crash *cough* *cough*. 

           However, this type of happiness is temporary and devious. Forgive yourself for making mistakes that lead you into despair. Believe that you have control over your own life, and especially your own emotions. 

           Do not be reasonable – smile when you want to frown, and laugh when you want to cry. This lie is only a lie, if your belief in yourself dies.


Eat soup. Find food for your soul, and take time to heal any wounds that have been left untended to in the past. 

           Happiness and self-satisfaction go hand-in-hand, so if you are not satisfied with your current situation, make strides to change it. However, be careful not to tackle all of this at once, and instead see that each step is completed with care. 

           Life is a cycle, so to get to the next stage complete this one. Whether you experience happiness and sadness can be overlooked as long as you bring the wisdom they bring.


Sceptic. Trust is something earned and not handed out freely. Be sceptical of your friends and even family – try to be more selective and exclusive with your circle of people. 

           Watch the ones with real interests in you stay, and the fake ones go. Shed the distractions, and see importance in the people that see importance in you, but make sure to understand their motives as well as the benefits they bring, toxic people are a no-no this week.


Caution. Though you may like to dive head-first into things, take time this week to examine the worth of your actions. 

            Challenge yourself to think critically on the optimal path forward in your life. Efficiency plus effort will push you faster and further into success. If you ignore the value of efficiency, you might as well eat cereal with a fork.


Vigilance. Balance relaxation and confrontation this week. The way pressure from the earth makes diamonds should be the same way stress on yourself should promote growth. 

            Sharpen your mind, and use it to push your body – the relaxation that follows will surely satisfy the soul.


  Focus. Although you are respected for your ability to pursue and enjoy a multitude of interests, it’s time to concentrate your efforts. 

           You will have time to return to your hobbies and interests after this week, but for now, immerse yourself in the skills and talents that you will use to pursue success in life. 

           Do not settle with “good” – master them. Do that, and you will be acknowledged by fellow masters and students in the same field as well.


Ignorance. Due to your high sensitivity to emotional and spiritual energies, you may be overwhelmed with the atmosphere of despair and depression directed at you or just around you. 

            Learn to balance ignorance into your life to prevent the appearance of unhealthy stress and anxiety, that cannot be fixed, and will not benefit you in any way. 

            However, in order to do this you must also be aware. Balance those two and you can conserve your energy to further your goals and ambitions.


Modesty. Suppress your pride, and avoid self-absorption this week. Realize that you are still a cub and not a lion, and be glad that you’re not even close to your limits. 

            Be aware of what you lack, and be excited for what you can become. Push yourself out of your comfort zone. Seeing yourself as weak is the first step to becoming strong. 

            Crave improvement and starve yourself of satisfaction – food truly tastes the best when it’s quelling the mouth of someone truly hungry.


Recklessness. Yes, be reckless, though you are known to many as being systematic and logical, you must learn to quench any hidden or risky curiosities you have. 

           Meet people, explore hobbies and go on adventures; stop ordering the same thing at restaurants, stop limiting yourself to safe and consistent things and definitely stop going back to your ex because you know their tendencies and kinks already. 

           This week is about broadening your horizons and seeing more than the “little island” you call home.


Relax. This week should be used for mental and physical recuperation. Do not be afraid to make moves, but emphasize rest – this is especially crucial for your health. 

            Failing to give yourself time to heal and proper diet may cause sickness and disease, throwing off the balance you like to maintain in your life. Spend your time of rest wisely, and don’t make it a reason to involve yourself in toxic behavior. Take a break, go for a run, or sit in the shower, whatever soothes your soul.

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